My Early Work

My Early Work

The very first pieces of jewelry I made were resin pendants that used vintage jewelry encased in resin along with old papers. It was a spring-off point from the mixed media art I was doing at the time. The very first sterling silver piece I made was handmade silver beads that were strung on some beads.

My second sterling silver and gemstone piece was a ring that I made while taking a class at the Makery. A whole other world opened up to me. I could not learn fast enough and I fell head and heels in love with Silversmithing. I've always loved learning. Art had been a big part of who I was when I was just a girl but hadn't pursued it other than making handmade crafts for Christmas gifts.

I sketched all the time and would create pictures for my sisters as a little girl and even fell in love with leather work as a young girl but it wasn't until I retired from teaching that I was able to have the time to truly be creative again. I can't say I'm self-taught anymore. I love taking classes and supporting other artists.

I started an online program after my husband passed from cancer and completed a fine jewelry diploma from the Jewelry Academy in London. I'm finishing up my second term of the Advance Diploma which will be finished this summer. It has been good for me to focus on learning new techniques and honing my craft. I am looking forward to seeing where my jewelry will go and my next step will be delving into more in-depth designs that speak to the artist in me.

What kind of things do you like to learn? What steps have you taken to follow your passion? Be sure to sign up for my newsletter if you want to see where my journey will lead.

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